Global Grant: Benighat Rorang, Dhading, Nepal - WaSH in six schools

This Global Grant project (GG2347674) will improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) facilities in six government schools in the Benighat Rorang Rural Municipality, Dhading District, Nepal. The project will serve 502 students and 35 staff, primarily from impoverished backgrounds, including Indigenous Chepang, Magar, and Dalit communities. Currently, these schools face significant challenges—three have no water access at all, and most have unhygienic toilet conditions due to water scarcity, leading to health issues and high student absenteeism.

The project will implement comprehensive solutions including increasing water supply through new sources and reserve tanks, providing water purification systems, installing gender and disability-friendly toilets, setting up handwashing stations with soap, and conducting WaSH behavior change training. The $76,064 budget is funded through multiple Rotary Club contributions, District Designated Funds, and World Fund matching.

The project incorporates sustainability through training school operators, establishing Water Management Committees, and securing local government funding commitments. Creating Possibilities Nepal, a local NGO with 18 years of community development experience, will be the implementing partner.

Partner Involvement
(1) Our Club, Johns Creek-North Fulton Rotary Club (District 6900), reviews project proposals, provides feedback, assists with community assessments, provides funds, reviews progress reports, and conducts site visits. (2) The in-country Host Club, Kasthamandap Kathmandu Rotary Club (District 3292), manages grant funds, collects invoices, maintains financial records, spearheads monitoring and evaluation, supports implementation, and makes financial contributions. (3) Other Rotary Clubs provide financial support, including Roswell Rotary Club, Dunwoody Rotary Club, Sandy Springs Rotary Club, Alpharetta Rotary Club, Midtown Atlanta Rotary Club, and North Fulton Rotary Club. (4) The primary in-country cooperating organization, creating Possibilities Nepal, is the bridge between stakeholders, oversees execution, compiles measuring success surveys, monitors and reports, and oversees installation. (5) Other in-country partners include Janak Neupane (Engineer), who created the design plans and will spot-check installation; Shanti Nepal, which will deliver WaSH behavior change training; Benighat Rorang Rural Municipality, which is the local government providing ongoing funding; and the various School Management Committees, which will oversee sustainability and maintenance. (6) The Keenan Foundation has agreed to provide additional funding to the project for Sustainability, Maintenance, and Repairs for years 1-10, up to a maximum of $5,000/year, according to the need. (7) Himalayan Children's Charities (HCC), a nonprofit organization empowering orphaned and abandoned children in Nepal, provides in-country in-kind consulting support. HCC focuses on providing quality education, mentorship, and a nurturing family environment to help these children break the cycle of poverty and become community leaders.

CP Nepal Contribution

CP Nepal Contribution

CP Nepal contribution for financial sustainability.jpeg

CP Nepal contribution for financial sustainability.jpeg

Global Grant Application

Global Grant Application

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1. GG2347674_Grant Application_June 12, 2024 .pdf

Keenan Foundation Commitment

Keenan Foundation Commitment

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GG 2347674 Keenan Foundatioin financial commitment letter.pdf

Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

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4. Root Cause Analysis.pdf